
HALAL Certification

100% of all Somethinc products already have a Halal Certificate.

So Don't worry ♥

How to order?

1. Choose selected items, then click ADD TO CART

2. After that, click the CHECKOUT button

3. Login first if you already have an account/register if you don't have an account

You can also use Guest Checkout if you don't want to register 

4. Click shopping cart then CHECKOUT

5. Fill in the data in the column & NEXT STEP. 

6. If there is a Voucher code/ Referral, please enter the code into the box.

If you don't have any Voucher/Referral, please click the NEXT STEP button directly.

7. Click COMPLETE ORDER to get ORDER ID along with total order & account number to make payment

8. If you already made a payment, please confirm via CONFIRM PAYMENT link that available on the Invoice that sent to your E-mail / via our website

9. Your payment will be confirmed within 1x24 working hours (Monday-Friday: 10-5 pm) & (Saturday: 10-2 pm)

10. All payment checks, chat, & shipping will be done within the working hours above. If payment is made outside of working hours, it will be done when our team comes back <3

11. Delivery will be done H + 1 if payment has been received & confirmed by our team. You will get an e-mail when the payment has been confirmed.

12. Receipts will be updated H + 1 from the date of delivery (not from confirming payment).


Thank you for loving us :)

Where can I ask for consultation?

You can consult with our Virtual BA on Whatsapp:  081381781760

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